Easy video player

Acora theme includes the Easy VIdeo Player , this player local video (mp4) / audio (mp3), streaming video or audio from a server, Youtube video or Vimeo / Vimeo Pro video and much more. It only requires the mp4 / mp3 format (the best and most used formats on the web) and it will work on mobile devices and desktop machines no matter which browser is used, this is made possible by incorporating multiple video engines in a really smart way inside the video player logic.

Easy Video Player can be added to posts, pages, custom posts, and even the Acora portfolio with full features support, there is no theme available on sale with this kind of video support.

Some of EVP features

  • Responsive layout.
  • Lightbox / modal display support.
  • 360-degree videos or VR immersive 360 degree videos.
  • Optional encrypt video source/path. Using this feature will not allow a user/software to see/steal the video source/path from the page source.
  • Resume / remember function which marks the last play position of the video when the browser is closed and remembers it when you come back to watch the video again.
  • Lazy scrolling/loading, the possibility to initialize UVP on scroll when the player is visible in the page, this way for example if the player is in a section of a webpage that is not visible it will not be initialized / play, instead UVP will be initialized / play only when the user is scrolling to that section in which the player is added.
    Optional embed and share window.
  • Chromecast support, playing mp4 video or mp3 audio on your TV screen using Chromecast, the media can be controlled via the player interface, basically, the browser and the player become a remote tv.
  • Timestamp support in the format of t=hours[h]minutes[m]seconds[s], start and/or stop the video at a specified time by setting a timestamp in the player page URL.
  • VAST “Video Ad Serving Template” support.
  • HTTP Live Streaming / HLS / m3u8 video support on all browsers mobile and desktop
  • Non-linear google adsense support, one or more non-linear adsense ads can be set to run during video playback.
  • Interactive Media Ads SDKs – IMA SDK for HTML5 and DFP / Google Doubleclick IMA tags support, which allows you to place Google Adsense for Video tags to stream video PreRoll Ads (linear), Mid-Roll, Post-Roll, VMAP+Bumper, and Pods, or Non-Linear Banner/Text Ads (non-linear) with your self-hosted videos.
  • much more…



Youtube VIDEOS

hls / .M3u8 VIDEOS with video quality levels and multiple audio tracks

360-degree videos with or without VR